Enterovirus Infection Prevalent in Cases of Viral Conjunctivitis

Published 2023 Aug 22 Tuesday
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Kathmandu: Recent cases of viral conjunctivitis in the country have shown a notable prevalence of enterovirus infection. Among the ten samples tested at the National Public Health Laboratory, 80 percent were found to be positive for enterovirus infection, as reported by Krishna Prasad Jaisi, the laboratory's information officer. These samples were gathered from Patan Hospital.

In response to this trend, the laboratory has called upon all seven provinces to collect virus samples and send them for testing. Nepal Netra Jyoti Sangh has been requested to provide 150 samples for testing.

In prior sample tests conducted at the laboratory, cases of adenovirus infection were more apparent.

Symptoms of this viral eye infection include redness, itching, tearing, discharge of pus or mucus, red and swollen eyelids, and sensitivity to sunlight.

Medical advice emphasizes refraining from touching the eyes unnecessarily. If necessary, hands should be washed with soap and water before touching the eyes. In the case of infection, applying a cold compress with closed eyelids, maintaining hydration through adequate water intake and nutritious food, wearing sunglasses in sunny conditions to alleviate discomfort, and avoiding eye rubbing are recommended measures.

Additionally, it's crucial to ensure thorough sanitation of belongings used by infected individuals before others use them.
